Being the wife of the Vice President isn’t easy. Especially when your talents lie in kicking butt and rocking out…Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini find out just how easy it is for the wife of the Vice President of the United States to unintentionally insult an ally. Now they have to smooth things over with the Australian Prime Minister, pronto, or risk creating an international incident the worldwide anti-alien coalitions will be able to use to force Jeff to resign and the A-Cs to leave the planet.But before Kitty can make things worse, a cosmic congruence and a little help from some powerful beings shoves her into another world -- one where she’s been married to Charles Reynolds for years and aliens don’t exist. She’s also landed in the middle of a huge conspiracy and is marked for death…but at least that’s business as usual.Kitty’s not the only one confused, because the Kitty from that world has taken her place in this one. Now Alpha Team and the Diplomatic Corps have to make sure that no one spots that there’s been a switch, while keeping World War III from happening. And they have to do so while keeping this new Kitty in line, because she has views about what to do and how to it, and time is running out.Can both Kittys save their respective days before it’s too late to go home to the universes they belong to? Or will one Kitty decide to keep the other’s life…forever?
INTL SIGNED Book + Gini Koch's Top 10 Fave TV Shows!
Categories :
2014 . Author Guest Post . Author Interviews and Guest Posts . Contest . Gini Koch . Giveaway . Katherine "Kitty" Katt Series . Katherine Kitty Katt Series
17 Responses so far.
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I am sorry! I LOVE the awards you give me and I wish I didn't have to do this, but my blogging schedule in general has not made possible for me to follow the requirements for the awards I receive.
Because of that, I feel that this is for the best.
Great list of series! I love almost all of these, and Gotham is on the road to become one of my top favs. And I agree about Castle, not as great as it used to be :( I'll have to check out The Magnificent Seven.
i love the A-team as well^^ ( first version of course), some of my favourite would be "inspecteur Murdoch" and "Miss Fisher" ^^ i love both
now a lot of teh series you cited are not show on tv in my country yet so perhaps they will join on teh list in teh futur ( not fan of Arrow but my brother is)
thank you a lot for the international giveaway
Glad to learn a little more about Universal Alien's plot.
I love this series!! Can't wait to get my hands on this newest :) Thanks for sharing!
thx u for the chance to win this new book of alien series...:)
Yeah for the A-Team! Loved that series so much :)
Thanks fo rthe giveaway!!
Being a huge Kitty Fan there's no way I'm going to miss out on adding another book to my collection. Thanks for hosting this mondo giveaway.
Great choices Gini, I'm a HUGE Castle fan but we've not got the latest series showing in the UK yet so now I'm really nervous!
The books all look amazing lined up together.
My favorite Babylon Five is not even on the list.
I miss Firefly and Buffy.
I LOVE Buffy!!! I miss that show so much.
Touched By An Alien would be perfect, thank you.
Nice line up mine are 7, 5, 4, & 2
More Gini! Squee!
Firefly, Big Bang Theory and The Walking Dead are my favorite shows.
Love the series, can't wait to see what trouble Kitty gets into.