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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lala's Book Corner Presents: Author Interview & Giveaway with Eileen Wilks

85 Lovely Comments!

Hey Everyone!

First and foremost I'd like to thank everyone that entered my Giveaway with Dakota Cassidy. You guys rock! I will be announcing the winners later today, so stay tuned =)

I am very pleased to have here today one of my favorite Authors of Paranormal Romance. Eileen Wilks is the Author of the World of Lupi series and The 6th book in the series (Blood Magic) came out a couple days ago.

I have just finished it and The review will be up in the next couple of days =) In the mean time you can check out my review of The first 5 books in the series HERE!

Eileen has also been super sweet to provide a signed copy of the book for a lucky winner. The giveaway details will be at the end of the Post.

Now, let's get on with the interview...

- When did you first start writing?

Well, I wrote fan-fic for the Girl From U.N.C.L.E when I was really, really young.  Probably still in the womb.  I don't recall exactly.  (I suppose half of those reading this have never heard of that show . . . )  But I didn't start seriously writing until somewhere around  . . . . I'm not good with dates.  Maybe 1990 or '91.

- What is your favorite part of the writing process?

The ending.  Love, love, love writing the climax and resolution.

- Have you always been interested in the Paranormal?

My first two, forever-under-the-bed books were science fiction--or so I thought.  The only comment I received after submitting the first one to many, many publishers was, "This is really a romance."  So I guess I've blended fantasy and romance right from the start.

- Why writing Urban Fantasy?

I was coming up with urban fantasy ideas before the term--or the market--existed. For quite awhile, no one wanted to look at them.  Now they do.

-  Were there any Books, Movies or Writers that have inspired you?

So many I can't give a decent list, but a couple authors that float to the top right now are Charlaine Harris, Sharon Shinn, and JD Robb.  Okay, that's three, not a couple, but like I said, there are so many.  I could add Rex Stout and Dorothy Dunnett.  My books are nothing like theirs, but I learned to love series from reading Stout's Nero Wolf books as a kid.  And who isn't inspired by Dunnett?

- What is your favorite subject in the Urban Fantasy Realm?

I don't think I have one.  FWIW, as soon as I finish these questions I'll dive back into Karen Chance's DEATH'S MISTRESS, which features a dhampir. I've got Resnick's DOPPLEGANGSTER in my TBR pile.  I just finished Butcher's FIRST LORD'S FURY.  And I can't wait for the next Lois McMaster Bujold book, whatever it is.  --I should have listed her as among my inspirations.  Oh, well, consider her added.

-  The sex scenes in your books are so hot. Where do you get your inspiration?

I'm glad you think so!  I'm always surprised when people tell me I write hot.  I never think of it that way.  I suppose Lily is inspired by Rule, and she determines the heat level.

- Do you find it hard to write them?

No harder than any other type of scene--which means sometimes they flow beautifully right from the start, and sometimes each word comes out about as easily as pulling a tooth.

               - Favorite Paranormal themed Movie?

                I'm a Harry Potter fan.  

-  Favorite Paranormal themed TV Show?

True Blood.

- Favorite Paranormal themed Book?

Impossible to answer.

-  Favorite Urban Fantasy Author?

Just one?  You're kidding, right? 

- Favorite one of your Books?

The one I'm working on now.   When I finish it, it will remain my favorite until I start the next one. When it comes to writing, I always love the one I'm with.
              - Who is your favorite of your own characters?

Grandmother. I want to be her when I grow up.


- Which was the hardest to write?

Sam.  He's a dragon.  He can speak our language and understands it beautifully, but he is not human. I am.

- What would you be if not a writer?


                - Coffee or Tea?


- Up or Down?


- Virtual or Real?


- Right or Left?

Is this a political question, or handedness? I'm right-handed.

- Vampires or The Lupi ?

Lol--the lupi, of course.

- Reading or Writing?

In a daily way, I write much more than I read. But my writing would wither away if I couldn't read.  There's no either/or possible for me.

               - What is your favorite part of the writing process?

               I love it when something--a person, object, or situation--that showed up unexpectedly in chapter           2 turns out to be pivotal to events in chapter 5 or 10 or 20.  Something I left in even though I had no idea why.  

              -  What is your least favorite part?

             Copy edits. 

            -  The World of Lupi series in your own words? 

Every novel ever written asks some version of the same question: what does it mean to be human? In the world of the Lupi, I ask that question, too--but with werewolves, a reformed demon, the occasional dragon, or--in my current release, BLOOD MAGIC--a Chinese demon.
- Any plans for more World of Lupi Books?

I'm contracted for 3 more, so yes. The one I'm working on now is titled BLOOD CHALLENGE. 

- What are you working on right now? 

It's hard for me to say much about a book before it's finished, because I'm not clear on what it's about while I'm still tromping around in the primordial ooze (a.k.a. "work in progress.")  But in BLOOD CHALLENGE, Lily & Rule go up against Humans First and the man who started that hate group--and another, much more dangerous enemy.  And Benedict's worst fear comes to pass.

- Do you have any advice or tip to those like me that want to become a published Author someday?

Stubborn counts for a lot. I quit writing plenty of times. It never stuck. Also, reach out to other writers who are roughly at your level of experience. I learned how to edit my own work by participating in a wonderful critique group, and you know what they say: the real writing happens in the rewriting.

- Anything you would like to say to your fans out there?

Make time for yourselves--time to read, to exercise, to sleep in. Be honest.  Be kind.  Sing in the shower, along with the radio, or whenever and wherever else you damn well please.  Hug someone.  And visit me at my website: http//www.eileenwilks.com. We just redid it, and I'm tickled with the results.

Thanks so much for stopping by and answering my questions Eileen =)


Now to the giveaway!

Eileen has been kind enough to offer a signed copy of Blood Magic, Books 6 in the World of Lupi series! 

The Giveaway is International and will run until Feb. 11th!

To enter:

All you gave to do is leave a comment on this  post!

- Please leave a way to contact you, if you don't I will not enter you in the contest. 
- If you do not feel comfortable leaving an email address, you can email your info to larissa@larissaslife.com after leaving your comment here =)

For extra entries:

+5 if you are a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
+5 if you are a Blog Follower (Networked Blogs)
+3 if you are a Twitter Follower (@larissa_sarah)
+3 if you are a Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life

Good Luck!

Thanks for tuning in and I'll see you soon!


85 Responses so far.

  1. Sharli says:

    Cool interview! Have the same problem answering fave book and author questions :P

    +5 Blog Follower
    +3 Twitter Follower (@Entre_Libros)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. BreiaB says:

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower-
    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Networked Blogs)
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower (@bbricke)
    +3 if you are a Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life
    Thanks for a great interview and contest.


  3. BreiaB says:

    forgot email

    bbricke AT yahoo DOT com

  4. That was a good interview. I found it to be fun and very interesting. I have now added Eileen Wilks as an author that I want to read and will start with the first book in her series.

    +5 Blog Follower
    +3 Twitter Follower (Bookgoddessno1)

    Thanks for the contest!!

  5. +5 Blog Follower
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower @ggs_closet
    +3 Facebook Fan

    I love, love LOVE Eileen Wilks. But in a sweet wholesome way. Not is a creepy "OMG" I have to change all my contact info way. :P

  6. Err...my contact info is ggs.consignment.closet@gmail.com

  7. Pamk says:

    I so love this series. Can't wait to read this one.
    +5 if you are a Blog Follower
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower Pamk258
    +3 if you are a Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life Pamk258
    great giveaway thanks a bunch
    scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

  8. Great interview - I am a recent addition to the Eileen Wilks fangirl club - love the books!!

    +5 follower
    +3 twitter (BookAddictPatti)
    +3 facebook

    Thanks and congratulations on your release!

  9. Llehn says:

    I'd love to play please!

    +5 Blog follower


  10. I am a follower and what wonderful contest!!!! Great interview!!

    Emma Michaels

  11. great interview as always larissa! please count me in for the giveaway!!

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower (@chelleyreads)

    bookmakeupreview AT gmail DOT com

    thanks for the giveaway :)

  12. Danielle says:

    ARGH! I need my copy to arrive in the mail, like yesterday! Great interview, fabulous author - awesome giveaway!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Awesome giveaway I love this series

    +5 Blog Follower
    +3 Facebook Fan

    Stephanie G


  14. mariska says:

    Haven't read any of her books ! i'm really looking forward to read it one :)

    +5 a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +3 a Twitter Follower(@becunique)
    +3 a Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  15. Cool, please count me in!

    +5 Google follower


  16. justpeachy36@yahoo.com

    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    I am a GFC follower

    I am a twitter follower

  17. I enjoyed the interview and now I have to pick up the whole series so I catch up. The good thing is, then I can read them all at once and won't have to wait - except for the remaining books to come.
    I'm a follower.

  18. buddyt says:

    Reading the questions asked I sometimes wonder what a physcologist would make of the answers in a word association way ?

    Aren't you curious ?

    +5 Google Follower.



    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  19. cait045 says:

    I love Eileen Wilks books. I love Lily, Rule, Toby, Cullen, and everyone else. Its a great series and can't wait to read the new book.

    +5 Blog Follower

  20. Amy says:

    I love Eileen Wilks and her world of the Lupi, there just aren't enough good werewolf books out there and Eileen is one of the talented writers I was lucky enough to find!

    +5 Blog follower
    +3 Twitter follower (@AmyAnneS)
    +3 Facebook fan
    = 11 total


  21. Really nice interview -looks like a great series, as well! I'd love a copy.
    baileythebookworm at gmail dot com

  22. Sarah says:

    Great interview! I'm new to this series but will definitely be checking it out :o)

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower (@sarahsreview)

    sarahsreviews at ymail dot com

  23. Jason says:

    Thank you for the chance at this book.

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Networked Blogs)


  24. Great interview! I've been meaning to pick this book up - would be nice if I won a copy. :D

    +3 Twitter Follower (@TXBookjunkie)

    Eva (txbookjunkie at gmail dot com)

  25. Spav says:

    Great interview!

    +5 Blog follower
    +3 Twitter follower (@sparima)


  26. Tamsyn says:

    I enjoyed the interview very much, especially the quickies!
    I've just become a Blog Follower.

  27. Victoria says:

    +3 Twitter
    +3 Facebook.

    Great interview and thanks for the contest. vsloboda@gmail.com

  28. Count me in please :)

    +5 Google friend connect follower
    +5 Networked Blogs follower
    +3 follow on twitter @throuthehaze
    +3 Facebook Fan

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  29. Glory says:

    Oh yes another international contest! But Goddamn! I never win.

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)


    P.S. What aboit Italy? ;)

  30. Great interview! This books looks great!

    +5 google blog follower
    +3 twitter follower @raycee3


  31. Amber says:

    I liked the interview and I think I would like the book too, sounds like a good one. :)


  32. sRy_ says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  33. Great interview Eileen!

    +5 Blog Follower
    +3 Twitter Follower (@c_morin)

    chrissy dot morin at gmail dot com

  34. Great interview!

    + 5 Blog Follower
    + 3 Twitter Follower: INCiDeNT_Zinc
    + 3 Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life.


  35. Abigail says:

    +5 Blog Follower
    +3 Twitter Follower @Abigail_ATUF


  36. I just love a good series. I have several of the books in this series but haven't read them yet. Need to go put them on the top of my TBR pile.

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)

    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower @alterlisa

  37. Irene says:

    +5 Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    thanks for the chance!

  38. Awseome giveaway! +1

    Twitter follower! (perfectbluemoon) +3


  39. Dovile says:

    I'd love to enter

    +5 blog follower via Google Friend connect

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  40. Jamie says:

    +5 Blog follower
    +3 twitter follower
    +3 facebook fan
    Total 11

  41. rem says:

    great interview!!!

    +5 I'm a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +3 I'm a Twitter Follower (@rem_pdg)



  42. Julia says:

    Looks like a fun read

  43. Anonymous says:

    Great interview and love the contest. Thanks for all your work! ~yeseniah23@gmail.com
    +5 if you are a Blog Follower
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  44. donnas says:

    Great interview. I love this series and am looking forward to reading Blood Magic.

    +5 blog follower
    +5 networked blog follower
    +3 twitter follower (@donnas1)
    +3 FB fan

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  45. Unknown says:

    WOW! You guys Rock!!! Thanks so much for all the comments!!! =)))

  46. Unknown says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  47. Unknown says:

    Great interview and way to go to end it with a giveaways!

    +5 for being a blog follower
    +5 for being a network follower!
    +3 for following on twitter (@manna_greene)
    +3 Also a facebook fan! YAY

    That is all 16 points! I feel so special!


  48. Reading says:

    Please count me in. Thanks for the chance.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  49. SiNn says:

    awesome interview!


    +5 if you are a Blog Follower :mortalsinn@yahoo.com
    (Google friend connect)
    +5 if you are a Blog Follower : SiNn

    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower : @bainesgoddess (@larissa_sarah)
    +3 if you are a Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life: Beverly Gordon

  50. I just read a short story by Eileen Wilks in Inked and LOVED it. I love the mystery and details she gave. I have some books by her on my list to get to. This would be great, although I will have to get to the whole series. lol. I can do it! lol.

    +5 blog follower
    +3 twitter follower


  51. MrsMixx says:

    Ohhhhh I'm SO blond...for whatever reason...i thought the girl on the cover was pole dancing *headdesk* LOL Upon closer inspection i now see she's NOT AHahaha

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower (@pattepoilue)

  52. Sue A. says:

    I'm new to Eileen Wilks books! I enjoyed the interview.

    +5 I am a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)

    alternate email from blogger
    magenta 2 red [at] gmail [dot] com

  53. WOW!! I am adding this book to my to buy list. I have not read any of Eileen Wilks books as she is a new author but will add her today. Great interview and giveaway. Pls add me to the draw.

    I follow via GFC

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  54. Ronnie says:

    Ooo this looks like a great book. Thanks for giving us the chance to win it!

    +5 I am a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +3 I'm a twitter follower(@larissa_sarah)

    I also blogged about this giveaway I have your blog button on my website! (left hand sidebar under "Blogs I love"



  55. +5 blog follower
    +3 Twitter follower (bianca_riot)
    +3 Facebook fan (Bianca F)


    11 entries.

    thankyou heaps.x

  56. iokijo says:

    another great interview Larissa..
    I haven't read any of these yet, but looks like I need to add them to my wish list.
    Love paranormal series.
    Thanks for the chance to win a start on the books..
    ioki_jo at hotmail dot com
    +3 twitter follower @iokijo

  57. Wow, what an interview. Can't wait to read the book.

    +5 follow on google friend...dor
    +5 follow on networked blogs
    +3 facebook fan...Doreen Riopel

    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  58. orelukjp0 says:

    Another great interview. I love this site. I'm going to be following from now on. Thanks.

  59. bibay says:

    +5 blog follower
    +3 twitter follower (Beverlybibay)

    bvrlylava at gmail dot com

  60. Unknown says:

    blog follower


  61. Barbie says:

    +5 blog follower
    +3 twitter follower (Barbiejef)

    barbiejef at gmail dot com

  62. Anonymous says:


    heartbreak.21.kid at gmail dot com

  63. tetewa says:

    I'm always looking for new series to read, sounds good! tWarner419@aol.com

  64. Karo says:

    Hi there.
    A really nice interview;)
    +5 blog follower(google friend)
    +5 blog follower (networked blogs)
    +3 twitter follower (@karostra)
    +5 facebook fan

    My contact data: karostra@gmail.com

  65. Anonymous says:

    I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

  66. Anonymous says:

    I just became a follower through Google Friend Connect.

  67. Precious says:

    Awesome interview! I enjoyed reading it. :)

    +5 I'm a blog follower
    +3 I follow you on twitter (precious_shusky)



  68. Cathy M says:

    Hi Eileen, love this series, and so glad to hear there are more adventures on the way for Lily and Rule.

    +5 Just became a Blog Follower (Google friend connect)
    +5 a Blog Follower (Networked Blogs)


  69. Anonymous says:

    Great interview! I haven't read the books yet so I'll be looking for it next time I get to the bookstore :)

    chichai_hana at hotmail dot com

  70. Nickie says:

    Haven't been able to get my hands on any of her books, but I'm really looking forward to them!
    I am a follower.

  71. Sherry says:

    So awesome that she got contracted for 3 more books! Very exciting!

    +5 follower GFC
    +3 Twitter follower @ssalach21
    +3 fan on facebook(sherry salach)

    Thanks so much!


  72. +5 blog follower
    +3 Twitter follower (@bibliophilicboo)

    Great giveaway and interview! Thanks

  73. Ali says:

    Great interview! I've just had the first three in the series arrive on top of my tbr pile, so I'm really looking forward to getting hooked on Eileen Wilks now!

  74. I never read anything by Wilks. But I really want to!

    +5 follower

    patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

  75. Great interview and giveaway!

    +5 blog follower
    +3 twitter follower (@NRSVampChick)


  76. You ask the best questions! I love this interview:) Especially her tip for writers,and for readers.

    +3 twitter followers
    +5 google friend follower

  77. Wings says:

    i love this interview! you ask awesome questions!

    +5 follower

    awesome giveaway! so generous

  78. Great interview and thanks for the giveaway!

    +5 Google friend connect (jmspettoli)
    +5 Networked Blogs
    +3 Twitter (@jmspettoli)
    +3 Facebook fan

    spettolij AT gmail DOT com

  79. Great interview - I added these books to my tbr list, they combine 2 of my favorite things -shifters and mystery/Drama to solve :)

    +5 if you are a Blog Follower
    +3 if you are a Twitter Follower (@DarklyReading)

  80. Unknown says:

    Ok... I need to read these! Awesome interview!

    +5 Blog Follower
    +5 Networked Blogs
    +3 Twitter Follower (@intensewhisper)
    +3 Facebook Fan


  81. Baruke says:

    Would LOVE to read this series!!!

    + 5 Blog Follower
    + 3 Twitter Follower: @Bruce412
    + 3 Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life.


  82. Eko0724 says:

    Eko0724 said...
    February 12, 2010 12:49 AM
    Great interview! Wonderful to get so many questions answered!
    +3 - Twitter Follower (@larissa_sarah)
    +3 - Dakota's Twitter Follower (@DakotaCassidy)

    Twitter: @eko0724

  83. Great interview, I'll definitely have to check out the series.

    +5 Blog Follower (Networked Blogs)
    +3 Twitter Follower (@johnnie_cakes)
    +3 Facebook Fan of Welcome to Larissa's Life (didn't know you had a page on facebook til now, so YAY!)

    johnniecakes @ gmail dot com

  84. Loved the answer to favourite author. How can we ever have just one favourite? Great interview.

    Google Blog follower (LeslieJane)
    Networked Blog Follower (Leslie Jane Fahrney)
    Twitter follower (LeslieJane0302)
    Facebook follower (Leslie Jane Fahrney)

    And following you on Goodreads. Great to know you are on there also.

    Leslie Jane

  85. Unknown says:

    Thank you ALL for the love and I am glad you enjoyed the interview!

    The giveaway is over! =)))

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ps: As of today, September 20th, Anonymous comments will no longer be allowed on the blog. Too many spam comments =/ Hope you guys understand!


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