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Thursday, October 14, 2010

6th & Last Update! - 1027+ Followers & Bday Blow Out! {It’s My Birthday and I’ll Giveaway LOTS OF BOOKS If I Want To} – Extended to Oct. 18th!

301 Lovely Comments!


This Giveaway is over!

Winners will be drawn when I’m back in Brazil, since a lot of the prizes are there =D

Thanks so much for participating!


1027 followers and bday giveaway LOGO

*Please read ALL the info carefully before entering!


Hey Everyone! It’s my birthday tomorrow {August 11th} and I have been planning this HUGE blow out for a while now. I am so happy it’s finally the day to unveil the biggest giveaway i have ever hosted!

There are 11 Prize Packs and for starters there will be 4 Winners! The amount of winner can grow up to 11 Winners throughout the Giveaway =)

Oh, if you’re wondering why i chose the number 1027, it’s because I’m turning 27 today… YAY!

Before I unveil the AMAZING Packs I have for all of you, I need to thank all the people that have made this Contest Possible:




Blogger / Twitter Buddies:



Angela from Penguin Group


You have all been so freaking amazing and this

Giveaway could never happen without you!

Thank you for making my Birthday so much sweeter!


Now for the Giveaway =)


Since I have just passed 2100 twitter followers…

There will be 11 winners! Each winner will Choose one of

the prize packs from the list bellow…


The Prize Packs:


UF prize pack number one

Urban Fantasy Prize Pack #1:

  • Embers by Laura Bickle {Signed}
  • Dark Oracle by Alayna Williams {Signed}
  • Dead In The Family by Charlaine Harris {Signed}
  • & Eric Northman Inspired Jewelry!


UF prize pack number two

Urban Fantasy Prize Pack #2:

  • Embers by Laura Bickle {Signed}
  • Dark Oracle by Alayna Williams {Signed}
  • The Darkest Edge of Dawn by Kelly Gay {Signed}


UF prize pack number three

Urban Fantasy Prize Pack #3:

  • Pray For Dawn by Jocelynn Drake {Signed}
  • Wait For Dusk by Jocelynn Drake {Signed}
  • Mind Games by Carolyn Crane {Signed}

 Hist Rom Prize pack 2

Historical Romance Prize Pack #1:

  • Beauty Tempts The Beast by Leslie Dicken {eBook}
  • To Taste Temptation by Elizabeth Hoyt {Signed}


Hist Rom Prize pack 1

Historical Romance Prize Pack #2:

  • The Duke and I by Julia Quinn {Signed}
  • To Taste Temptation by Elizabeth Hoyt {Signed}


YA prize pack 1

Young Adult Prize Pack #1:

  • Hearts At Stake by Alyxandra Harvey {Signed}
  • Morganville Vampires Inspired Jewelry
  • & Swag!


YA prize pack 2

Young Adult Prize Pack #2:

  • Hearts At Stake by Alyxandra Harvey {Signed}
  • & Swag!


US only Prize pack

U.S. Only Prize Pack:

  • Changes by Jim Butcher {Signed}
  • The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter {Signed}


Funny Ladies Prize Pack

Funny Ladies Prize Pack:

  • Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch {Signed}
  • My Way To Hell by Dakota Cassidy


Naughty prize pack

Naughty Prize Pack:

  • Deadly Fear by Cynthia Eden {Signed}
  • The Rose of Shanhasson by Joely Sue Burkhart {Signed}
  • Dear Sir, I’m Yours by Joely Sue Burkhart {Signed}
  • The Bloodgate Guardian by Joely Sue Burkhart {eBook}
  • Tidal Wave by Vivian Arend {eBook}
  • Ex Appeal by Cari Quinn {eBook}
  • Eternity and A Day by Aline Hunter {eBook}
  • & Swag!


PNR Prize pack

Paranormal Romance Prize Pack:

  • Masquerade by Stella and Audra Price {Signed}
  • Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione {Signed}
  • I’ll Be Slaving You by Cynthia Eden {Signed}
  • The Chosen Sin by Anya Bast
  • Stripped Away by Sydney Somers {eBook}
  • Unbreakable by Sydney Somers {eBook}
  • Demonica Series Bag & Book Light!


Phew! Those were a lot of prizes! I so wish I could enter this giveaway, damn!

Well, I bet you are all wondering how you can enter the contest…

All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments and fill out one of the forms bellow:

*All Extra Entries are listed in the forms!


What is your fondest Birthday Memory???


U.S. Residents Please


International Residents

Please Fill Out THIS FORM!

 Disclaimer: I have two forms, one for U.S. residents Only and one for International readers. I will pick a winner for all the Prize Packs from both of them, except for the U.S. Only Pack and will pick a winner for the U.S. Only pack from that specific form.


1 - Answering the Question without filling out the form

will NOT enter you in the contest!

2 - Filling out the form without answering the contest

will NOT enter you in the contest!

3- Listing entries in the comments

will NOT enter you in the contest!

4- You are NOT  required to do any of the extra things to enter,

you can just mark NO to all of them. It’s your choice!

5 - You are required to follow the blog, fill out a form

and answer the question above. That’s All!



Top Commenter Extra Entries!!!

Ok so, by the end of the contest, if you are part of the

TOP 5 commenters of the blog, you will get +1 extra entry

for EVERY COMMENT listed next to your name!

1 comment per post please!

*You can respond to comments, but please don’t post 10 comments in one post just to get the points!


Giveaway Button:

 1027 Followers Giveawaye

 *Worth +10 Extra Entries!


Any Problems or Questions please email me @




Thanks so much for tuning in and I’ll see you soon!

new signature

301 Responses so far.

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 301   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Unknown says:

    My fondest Birthday memory? That's a hard one! As silly as it may sound, it was probably my 12th. My mom actually made me mad that day by making me think she didn't get me any gifts. I was so upset, but by the time I got almost upset enough to say something about it, she had a load of gifts (yes, books included :)) and a homemade cake covered with M&M's. I thought it was awesome.

  2. Hmm fondest memory. I would have to say a couple of years ago when my hubs and I went shopping for my bday gift and he got me tiramisu cheesecake for my b-day cake. YUM.


  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Happy Happy Happy Birthday, to you...to you. Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you yes you.

    Best birthday memory? My 15th birthday and a champagne brunch. Awe...set my tastes high cause that was the first time I was allowed to drink anything. Woo went straight to my head.

  4. Bea says:

    A friend of mine arranged a surprise party for my 40th. It was small but she truly surprised me and it was lots of fun. It meant a lot to me.

  5. Amy says:

    My fondest birthday memory would have to be...honestly, this year's birthday. Because it was the first time in FIVE years my husband has done ANYTHING for my birthday! He brought me home a beautiful bouquet of flowers! He took me out to dinner! And while we were out the rest of the family came over and decorated to surprise me! And the icing on the cake...was that both of my little boys were there to celebrate it with me!

  6. Amy says:

    P.S. I'm such a GOOB!


  7. Jeanette says:

    Congrats! Happy birthday to you babe.
    My fondest birthday memory is included a small gathering of friends, lots of wine and penis shaped cake.

  8. Chachic says:

    Maligayang Kaarawan! :) That's "Happy Birthday" in Filipino. I hope you're having a good one.

    Fondest birthday memory? Hmm so hard to choose! But I'll probably go with my 18th since I had a huge party for that and I celebrated my birthday with friends and family.

  9. My fondest memory is my 21st birthday. My Mom bought tickets for The Thunder Down Under at the Stardust Hotel. We had front row, center seats and lots of cocktails. :D One of the men danced on our table and planted his sweet behind on my lap, while another gyrated beautifully in my Mom's face. Epic hilarity ensued that night. Great fun with Mom!

  10. I hope you have an Epic Birthday as well!!

  11. Natalie says:

    Best birthday....probably a few years ago when I ended up getting over $50 in bookstore gift cards! I LOVED picking out all of the shiny new books afterwards! :)

  12. Jo-Anne says:

    My fondest birthday memory id going to Melbourne for my 21st to see Fall Out Boy. It was so awesome.

    Hope you have a great birthday. Fantastic giveaway.

  13. My favorite Birthday memory... was my 13th Birthday when we did a scavenger hunt around downtown Santa Barbara. Very fun!

  14. Unknown says:

    My fondest birthday memory would have to be back in the day when me and my best friend would wear matching outfits. I can picture them now--jean skort (yes, skort haha) and a white t shirt with black trim that had stick people on it (one blonde and one brunette). The shirts said best friends under the stick people. So fun!

  15. Leslie says:

    My fondest bday memory is my 4th birthday. All of my family was at my house. I remember eating cookie cake and playing on the new swing set I got for our back yard.

  16. HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY!! Yay! :) What a spectacular giveaway. Thanks for including us in your special day. ;)

    My favorite birthday memory would have to be the year my mom took me to Discovery Cove in Orlando, FL. I got to swim with dolphins, and it was glorious!

  17. Hmmm, my fondest birthday memory...probably my 18th birthday. It was the year I graduated high school, so my family went kinda big on birthday gifts (mostly birthday checks lol). I went on an epic shopping spree, and Lord knows I love to shop! Happy birthday to you! I hope it's amazing!

  18. Stormi says:

    Happy Birthday!

    I am trying to think of a fond memory but I am really drawing a blank..they were just ordinary growing up and once I turned 16 I didn't even have parties anymore so I can't really think of anything. One year my friend took me to a casino, but wouldn't say it was my fondest since I didn't win anything..LOL

  19. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my fondest would be my 11th when almost everyone I knew came to my house for my party. I got loads of presents, had chocolate cake and had the best night EVER!

  20. OK this is actually a tough question for someone who grew up as I did. Holidays and birthdays were rarely good. All I can come up with is my 21st birthday because I was pregnant with my son (who was born 4 days later). LOL... seriously, ask me about bad birthdays and I could go on and on.
    YOU have an amazing birthday, k?!!!

  21. Yay! Happy Birthday Larissa!!!! Hope you have an amazing 27th!

    I literally died when i saw the YA prize pack #1. The Morganville Vampires is my favorite series! Thank you so much for the giveaways!

    My fondest birthday memory is my 17th birthday. I love in Houston so my mom took me, my sister and our bfs downtown and went out to eat and had a midnight carriage ride, went iceskating, and shopping! It's beenmy favorite birthday yet! :)

  22. Dakota says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!
    Fondest memory, hmmm, probably my 18th (or was it my 19th). Went to the Falls with my family and went to the casino, a magic show and Lundy's Lane plus outlet shopping. I already had previously been to Niagara but it was fun none-the-less!

  23. My fondest birthday memory is that my Dad has always bought me roses for my B-day. If we were low on money, it may only be one rose, but never has a year past since he started it as an early teen, that I didn't get anywhere for 1-12 roses :) My 25 birthday is this month, and I'm already looking forward to my beautiful roses sitting on my kitchen table.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I don't know what my fondest birthday was. My birthday always lands in the middle of school and it sucks being at school on your birthday. And i'm a twin so I have to share that day.

    I don't know if it's very fond but I do remember for my fifth birthday my Dad quit smoking for a birthday present.

    - Sandyg02


  25. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday!

    My birthday is on a pseudo holiday (Christmas Eve) so I never had school, but nothing exciting was ever really going on either. I remember being ecstatic because the DMV was open on my 17th birthday, which meant I could take my driving test. Seems lame now, but it was a HUGE deal to me then.

    Now that I have kids, my birthday gets forgotten in the Christmas madness, so being excited about the DMV is the best I can come up with.

  26. Beverly says:

    Happy birthday! My fondest birthday memory...I guess there have been so many this is tough, I would have to say that my fondest birthday memory is the year I got to go with my dad to work. He repaired passenger elevators and had to go out on a call and I got to go along. It was so special because I was the only one who ever got to go. We had dinner and cake when we got home. My mom let us pick whatever we wanted for dinner, I had chosen homemade deepdish pizza - it was amazing! (I was seven). Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveaway!

  27. Beverly says:

    I forgot to leave the post link - so here it is!

    Thanks again!

  28. Cass says:

    I think my fondest birthday memory is when my friends threw me a surprise party during our swimming carnival, this year. There was cake and loud singing. :)

    Thanks for the super awesome contest! I went for both YA prize packs...:P

  29. My fondest birthday memory is having a birthday lunch with my closest girlfriends at our favorite thai restaurant and spending the whole day together walking around the city and just hanging out.

    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway and Happy Birthday Larissa!

  30. Tura Lura says:

    Happy Birthday!! ^_^

    Did you know that you share your birthday with paranormal romance/urban fantasy author Stacia Kane? Her birthday is also today.

    My fondest birthday memory is from when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, so I would have been 9 or 10. Or about to be, rather. That was the first year we had my birthday party before my actual birthday. With my birthday being the day after Christmas, almost no one came to the parties we had *on* my birthday. That year, though, everyone in my class came to the party! It was great. ^_^ Of course, it likely had more to do with the party being at the local skating rink (with my parents footing the bill for everyone) than with the party being for me. But that's all right, I still had a lot of fun.

  31. Sara says:

    My fondest birthday memory is being allowed to choose my favorite meal for dinner. I always chose chicken cacciatore (a delicious Italian dish) and my Mum would always make it for me. I loved it! :)

  32. Kai says:

    My fondest birthday would be when I turned 18. My parents organized a big debut party for me and I loved it because all of my friends were there (high school, college friends, some from elementary!) and I get to dance all night with the boy I liked. ^^

    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway, and happy happy birthday! I hope you're enjoying your day!

  33. Anonymous says:

    My favourite birthday memory is actually from one of my worst birthdays! I had to babysit my siblings, can't remember why, but because we lived in the middle of nowhere that meant I had to spend my birthday on my own :( But then my boyfriend cycled the 10 or so miles from his house to come and spend the evening with me. Best surprise birthday gift ever!

  34. Anonymous says:

    My favourite birthday memory is actually from one of my worst birthdays! I had to babysit my siblings, can't remember why, but because we lived in the middle of nowhere that meant I had to spend my birthday on my own :( But then my boyfriend cycled the 10 or so miles from his house to come and spend the evening with me. Best surprise birthday gift ever!

  35. My fondest b'day memory (that I don't remember but was told) was on my 2nd birthday sitting in my high chair with chocolate cake EVERYWHERE! The pictures show me with my arms in the air and it looks like I'm singing. =D

    Happy day of your birth! <3<3<3

  36. Blodeuedd says:

    Omg Larissa, you have totally gone out of your way to make one awesome party!


    As for bday memories. Can't say I have any memory that stands out. Though my first year was bf was nice, a nice little dinner

  37. buddyt says:

    Many Happy Returns and may you have many, many more.

    My birthday is the 24th of December, so I was always getting either a combined Birthday and Christmas present or only a small present on one of the days. Usually this was not a very happy situation as I usually felt I had lost out.

    My best birthday as a young person was probably my 12th, when I was going to start high school the next month and I got a bicycle ! To put it in context, I was the second eldest of 4 girls and often had to make do with hand me downs as we were not a well off family.

    But that year I got my first new bicycle and felt that this was really my coming of age as a teenager !


    Carol T

  38. Happy Birthday!!!
    My best memories are from the birthdays where I only invited my best friends and we had a fun evening playing games and just generally having fun.

  39. First of all, Happy Birthday!

    My fondest birthday memory is hard to decide upon. I always spent my birthdays with only my closest family so it was all pretty much predicatable.
    But I remeber this one year when no one knew what to give me and everyone asked me what I wanted, so, since I was out of ideas and I loved plushies, I told everyone (seperatly) that I wanted a plushie.
    The outcome was I got more plushies than I could hug and I was so happy! Everyone was like "You poor thing", for only getting plushies, but I was really happy. To this day I still look at the plushies and remeber the horror faces on all my family when all I got was plushies. Like it was a bad thing. XD

    Oh, and I remeber the amazing and crafty cakes my mom used to bake every year. They were so beautiful I think it was a sin to cut them open and eat them. XD

  40. sRy_ says:

    Happy birthday Larissa!! :)

    when I was saving for a dinner with my friends at a restaurant (..economic, but it was fun), and then my best friend wrote his declaration of love in my greeting card, that I read and when I went to bed, and it was difficult to sleep..

  41. Happy birthday, Larissa!!!

    I can't choose my fondest memory, there are just so many, but I guess I can choose the funniest!
    When I was little, maybe 4 or 5 years old, for my birthday I've wanted cake in a shape of banana & guess what, I got one ;) Really big & yellow :) When my grown-up family members saw the cake they were all laughing & I remember wondering why they're all laughing so much for the cake, I just couldn't understand, it was just a banana :D
    Of course, now I know why they laughed & I have to admit that every time I remember it, I can't stop laughing myself :)

  42. Penny says:

    Happy Birthday! Great giveaway! Does the birthday memory have to be of my OWN birthday? If so, then I'll say my 19th. I was in college and it involved a road trip, a fraternity party and an epic fight; it was FANTASTIC! My fave birthday memories, though, are of the surprise celebrations I threw for each of my sister's on their 30th birthdays. I love pulling off a great surprise and neither one of them had any idea what was planned for them; they were both fabulous!

  43. Misha says:

    Have an amazing Birthday Larissa!
    My best birthday memory is from last year when I turned 20. My friends threw me a gothic themed surprise party! It was the happiest bday ever!

  44. My best birthday memory would have to be my 21st since I didn't have birthday parties growing up. My friend from high school came to hang out with me at a local bar. He bought me a drink since it was my 21st and told me it was some orange shot. Little did I know it was Tabasco sauce and vodka. As soon as I drank that I ran to the bathroom so fast to try and rinse my mouth out!!! And I still hang out with this guy today!

  45. Hmm...my fondest birthday memory would have to be my 17th. I was gifted with a surprise birthday party arranged by my friends, defo made my day:)

    Awesome giveaway, thanks so much:)

  46. Happy Birthday!!!
    My fondest memory is a birthday I had three years ago where me, my family and relatives all went to this motown concert with the Temptations and the Platters. My cousin got up on stage to sing and then when we left and took a wrong turn in the hallways we accidentally ended up at a small party the music groups were having in the back of the theater. I'm sure they wondered who the heck we were but I still had a nice time getting a few autographs and photos.

  47. Fondest Birthday memory? Oh man...!

    Well I don't know if I would call it "fond" but one of my fave birthday parties I had when I was little was when we had a carnival style thing going on in our basement. We had games and prizes and it was totally fun. Granted I was like 6 or 7, but it was an awesome birthday!

  48. Tanya says:

    *runs in with hug tackle* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day!!

    Hmmm... best b-day? I guess maybe I'd have to pick this last one (a couple of weeks ago). My parents surprised me by showing up from MI (I live NJ). I had flowers delivered to me, lunch & dinner bought for me at a really nice restaurant. I got $100 GC to spend on anything I wanted - guess where most of it went? Yup, books! Then the next day was given about four hours with no distractions so I could curl up with a great book! Perfect!! :)

  49. elaing8 says:

    My fondest memory would be my 16th when my friends set up a whole girls day out..we went shopping,dinner,then went to a concert(Bon Jovi) afterwards.

  50. Dang! I really want a couple of those books, but already have the other 2 in the packs so I wouldn't feel right entering the contest. But hope you have a great birthday! Make your own great birthday memories!

  51. Amandha says:

    Fondest Birthday memory?

    I was gifted with a surprise birthday party arranged by 3 friends of mine and my mom. It was in my home and we rent some games and everyone sleepover! So, it was a two days birthday party!

  52. Honey says:

    My fondest birthday memory hasn't happened yet. It's going to happen at the end of this month though. My friends and I are going to go to the Harry Potter Exhibit that's open in Toronto. It's only open until September 6th before it moves on to another city. I'm so excited! I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter and I know the exhibit is going to be so much fun!

  53. My fondest birthday moment wasn't
    even my birthday. It was my son's.
    The Dr's said he wouldn't live to
    see 2. *big raspberry. His second
    birthday was a throw down of pure
    joy. He's 5 now. Every birthday
    is miracle and true celebration
    ensues! Happy Birthday!

  54. Happy Birthday Larissa. Hope you have a great day.

    Don't enter me in the contest. Just wanted to stop by and send over some well wishes.

  55. Gaby G says:

    That would be when I turned 17. It was my best birthday, I had lots of friends, we were young and naive, and I got together with my actual boyfriend!!

  56. The first boyfriend I spent with my boyfriend is the most memorable. It was our second date, and he took me to a really nice restaurant on the beach. Nothing special really, but we've been together for 6 years now :)

  57. Nicole says:

    My fondest Birthday memory would be my 21st, because that was my husband and my first date. We had a great time!

  58. Scoot says:

    It is tough to choose a fondest memory because I have always had special birthdays ... but for my sweet-16 I had a huge scavenger hunt party at the mall. One of the items to find was 'the most expensive thing at the mall'. My group went into a jewelry store and I tried on a ring that was worth $250K! At 16 this was unbelievable. The scavenger hunt was crazy fun. After the hunt we went Ice-skating and had dinner. It was a great time with all of my family and friends!

  59. Tina says:

    Unless I have a bad birthday, my most recent birthday always replaces the last as my favorite. This year, my mom and I drove an hour to the closest Urban Outfitters and we tackled the sale racks. We left the store with 2 full bags of clothing and had only spent a little over a hundred and fifty dollars. We both felt very successful and now I think of that day whenever I wear those clothes. Then we drove to my favorite thai restaurant where we met my brother and my mom's boyfriend. I was able to drink and absurd amount of tea (my one vice aside from coffee. And books, of course). It was a good day :)

  60. Feliz Cumpleaños!!!

    My favorite b-day memory was when my parents throw me a surprise party for my 12th birthday! I was totally not expecting it, and I was so surprised that so many of my friends had shown up!

  61. Giada M. says:

    My fondest birthday memory is when I was 10 and my family (grandparents, aunts and uncles) was togheter to have a great party.
    Hope you have a great birthday Larissa and thank you for this awesome giveaway! :D

    Giada M.

  62. I think my best birthday memory was when my DH and BFF threw an enormous surprise b-day party for me. It was at my house, complete with DJ in the basement and full-on band outside and about 100 friends and family. They got me a big monster themed cake and gathered everyone in the basement to sing "Happy Birthday" and as I was (drunkenly) walking down the stairs I slipped and landed flat on my butt *in front of everyone* and smashed the cake during my flailing. It was a hilarious, classic Heather move, lol!

  63. Cathie says:

    My 30th birthday when my boyfriend drove over 2 hours to get me to take me back to his place.

  64. Unknown says:

    WOW! Can I just say how AMAZING this giveaway and your birthday is?!

    My fondest birthday memory would have to be when I turned 16 and was given my red Chevy Cavalier. I was told the whole year leading up to my birthday that I would drive my dad's 1994 Ford F150 truck, because they could not afford to get me a car on my own. On the day of my birthday after coming home from Wal-Mart I saw a shiny red car in my yard. I immediately started crying big alligator tears and my parents played it off like they didnt know what I was talking about and then I walked up there and hug both of their necks and thanked them while bawling.


    Hope your day is excellent and you get everything that you wished for and more!

    Ashley @ Ashley's Bookshelf

  65. Bailey says:

    My fondest birthday memory happened on December 21st of last year. It was my 16th birthday and I didn't have a birthday party because whenever I do, there is always drama and I didn't want that on my 16th birthday. I was in Oklahoma with my family and my amazing sister threw a surprise party for me because she knew that I hadn't had one with my friends. She got everyone to go into a room and they each wrote a memory of their time with me on a card until there were 16 cards. Then she put 16 gifts together and set them on a little table and numbered them 1 to 16. She put little notes in each bag to go with the gift and had 16 of everything like candies and tums (for after eating all the candy) and pennies and little cute items until the last gift in which she gave me $50 to barnes and noble. She then gave me the memory cards and made me cry with all of the memories that I thought everyone had forgotten! It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me and I love my sister for being so amazing! =)

  66. Cathy M says:

    One of my favorite birthday memories is my 8th, when I was surprised with a first ever trip to Disneyland. We flew there (my first every plane ride,too), and spent two whole days doing everything. Loved it, and every time I go back I still remember that first feeling of wonder and enchantment. Even took my honeymoon there, lol.

  67. Candace says:

    My fondest birthday memory is my 12th. We went to Reptile Gardens (it's near Mt. Rushmore) and I got to bring several friends. It was the first party I had with friends and not just family and actually got to do something other then sitting at home eating cake.
    Thanks so much for the awesome contest!

  68. Marcie says:

    Happy Birthday! My fondest birthday memory is any birthday growing up. My mom made such a big deal about my birthday. I always felt like a princess.

  69. Christine says:

    Happy Birthday Hon!

    I hope you have an awesome day and party! :)

    My fondest birthday memory includes two very fluffy bunnies!

  70. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday. Wow, I just got this email and you already have 68 comments! Great contest and wonderful prize packs.
    My fondest birthday memory is my 30th. I was in my best shape ever and I found out that I was offered a very rare, job opportunity in the crime lab that I still have and love til this very day. I'm crossing my fingers for prize pack 2 urban fantasy.Have a great day. Stephmartin71(at)yahoo(dot)com

  71. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday!!! My fondest b-day memory is when my mom took me and a bunch of my friends to the movie "The Cutting Edge"! For me that was HUGE because we lived 39 miles to the nearest movie theater and we didn't usually have extra money to do things like this.

    Thanks for the great giveaways!!

  72. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday. I cant think of any fond memories for my birthday. Growing up just getting a birthday cake and ice cream and gifts made me happy. My family was poor but I always had a birthday. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

  73. lingeorge says:

    Happy Birthday! At my age, I have so very many birthdays past, I don't want to recall them all. *feels too old* If I have to pick one, I would say it was 3 years ago when I had a quiet dinner at my son and daughter-in-law's house, where I spent the evening holding my 1-week-old grandson.

  74. Brooke says:

    Birthday memories... hmmm, How about 1st grade, party at McDonalds with all my friends! Life and fun were simple back then! ;)

  75. Van Pham says:

    I don't remember my birthday when i was younger but i do remember my 18th birthday had dinner with my friends and family at olive garden and than watch Underworld at the theaters. :)

  76. Rosie says:

    My favorite birthday memory was when I was little . . . actually several memories. My birthday always consisted of having many relatives and friends and two cakes. I got lots of attention as an only child. :-)

  77. I think that one of my fondest birthday memories is from when I was little; I would wake up at like 6 am because I was so excited and couldn't sleep, then I would see if my older brother was up, then we would proceed to run into our parents bedroom and jump on their bed to wake them up. After they were awake, we would open presents and talk and laugh. It was lots of fun.

    Anyways. Happy Birthday! I hope that you're having an awesome day!

    Thanks for the AMAZING contest!

  78. mountie9 says:

    My fondest bday memory was this year for my 40th bday. My hubby invited all my friends and their families and we just all hung out together with amazing food and conversation and than my hubby gave me a KOBO (not bad for a boy who HATES to read)
    thanks for the great contest
    contestmom AT hotmail DOT com

  79. Kayce says:

    My fondest birthday memory would have to be 14. My best friend threw me a surprise party and everyone showed up. I was so happy! Anyway, happy birthday!

  80. Lbarra says:

    Happy Happy Birthday.

    Luckily, i have many fond birthday memories, and while I've had some wile & crazy ones, the best are the ones I spent with quietly with those closest to me sharing good good, good wine, and crazy stories.

  81. Happy Birthday:)

    My fondest birthday memormy would be my 16th birthday the family was together and I got my favorite present a black hills gold necklace that I still wear because it goes with everything.

  82. Vidisha says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my fondest would be my 21st. All my college frn surprised me....we went out to eat and party ...it was amazing...

  83. My fondest Birthday memory was this year with my boyfriend, what made it perfect was having the best dinner possible! We ate at Texas de Brazil and the food was so incredible it was the best meal I ever had! We also got cake and my plate had Happy Birthday in cherry sauce and it was soooo good and we added my traditional Hello Kitty candle on top of it! Afterward, we went to my boyfriend's favorite view of the city and it was so beautiful at night. It was really peaceful to just sit there and I had such a good time just talking to him about creative ideas and writing ideas. It was a very romantic night and loved the charm bracelet he gave me. It was definitely the best birthday ever!

  84. Mervi says:

    Happy Birthday!

    My fondest birthday memory is probably my 18th. I was eating in a restaurant with my best friends (this was actually some time after my actual birthday, so I was all the more surprised) and suddenly a waitress came to our table carrying ice cream and some fancy candle thing (I don't know what it's called, it was metal and it looked like a small firework)and my friends started to sing. :)

  85. Monica says:

    My fondest birthday memory is probably my 16th birthday because I got to spend it with my family and closest friends (I just barely avoided having to have a party I'm not a party person at all!) we had a huge birthday dinner and I got a new iPod and although it wasn't an extravagant birthday it was the best one I could ever ask for!

  86. Awesome contest!! Two of my all time favorite authors are included: Gini Koch and Carolyn Crane!
    So, my favorite birthday memory is from my 21st birthday. I had three bands rock out, forcing 8 cop cars to show up and kick everyone out, right as the keg ran dry, leaving me with my closest friends to shoot Tequila and open my presents. Aw!

  87. Pamk says:

    First Happy birthday Mine is the 8th of august. so we're both Leos. my fondest bday memory was my 41st. Everyone had forgetten about my 40th or was scared to make a fuss so they basically ignored it. When I expressed my displeaure they explained why. But the sure made up for it the next year. I had dinner and presents from everyone in the family. lol. I think I had expressed my displeasure a little too well the previous year.

  88. Tawania says:

    Happy Birthday!

    My fondest b-day memory is my baby coming home from the hospital. She had been in there for 2 months and they released her on my birthday. That was the best gift ever!

  89. happy Birthday, Larissa. Isn't August a great month for a birthday. Mine is the 21st and my hubby's is the 1st.
    My fondest is every year. My hubby tries to make every year better than the last.

  90. angie says:

    Awesome giveaway! My favorite birthday memory is my tenth birthday when I got my first bike. I was so excited!

  91. Daniel says:

    My fondest birthday memory would have to be when I was ten and went to New York City for the first time with a few of my family members. It was such an awesome experience, and fueled by love for the City. Now I want to go to NYU and live there for the rest of my life, haha!

  92. katsrus says:

    My fondest birthday memories are both of my children's first birthdays. Thank you for the awesome giveaway and Happy birthday to you.
    Sue B

  93. Happy Birthday!!!

    Sadly, I don't remember most of my birthdays, and the best were probably back in childhood days. The past several have involved first days of school, 21st birthday on a sunday in Utah the day before school started and minimal celebrations.

    This year, as in the end of this month, I am doing my own baking. I'm going to make drunken cupcakes with colorful decorations. Then I'm going to make a cake and try to decorate it to look like a laptop. I'm looking forward to this one just to see if I can manage the decorations. Should be fun.

  94. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday Dear!

    My fondest birthday was at Disney with my family in 2008. We had a 10 day vacation and it was truly magical. We went back again in 2009, but just before my birthday. Still trying to convince husband it is a good idea to go every year ;)

  95. JenM says:

    This isn't really a fond memory, but it's the best thing about my birthday - I share a birthday with my dad. We've had some tough times with each other in the past, although we are on good terms now, but even when we weren't speaking to each other, my birthday would roll around, and I'd have to think about him (and I know he was thinking about me). No matter what happened, I always loved that link between us.

  96. Twimom227 says:

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway! I'm adding the giveaway button to my contest page on my blog. I hope you reach your blogging goals!

  97. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Larissa!!!

  98. Unknown says:

    My fondest bday memory is having a party at a water park. It was pretty great :)

  99. My Fave was when i was seven and we had a little fair in the yard with pin the tail on the donky and other things and a hole lot of friends over.

  100. Stephanie says:

    My fondest birthday memory is having a party at the local skating rink and eating ice cream cake with my friends!

  101. Anonymous says:

    I actually have a really hard time remembering my birthdays. My family just doesn't celebrate all that much. I do remember that one time I decided to spend my birthday at the library after school. I didn't think that there would be anything special at home--and it was the one time I had actually had friends plan a surprise party. Boy, I suppose they were the surprised ones when I accidentally stood them up!

  102. EVA SB says:

    Happy Birthday!!
    I meant to pop over and leave you a message on the actual day but I was so busy with prep for my husband's BDay party!!

    So my fondest memory. I'm lucky enough to have had some pretty great birthdays but my best memory has to be meeeting my Dad for the first time.

  103. Happy birthday!

    My fondest birthday memory is having a birthday party with all my friends. We had lost of fun and a yummy cake!


  104. My fondest birthday memory was my 30th. Yes I am old!! I got married that day. xx

  105. I've never had a memorable birthday? It's not a huge deal to me....
    I suppose the year I got an iPhone?

  106. DforDarla says:

    Fondest birthday memory was probably last year, my parents took my twin & I to the mall to go shopping for our bday. My mom was going shopping crazy for Twilight stuff, so much that my sister and I walked out of the stores before my mom did.

  107. My fondest birthday memory would have to be a few years ago. I turned 15 that day and spent it walking along a path next to a canal with my sister talking about nothing in particular and taking pictures of swans. We weren't arguing for once so it was a pretty special moment haha

  108. Danny says:

    Gee, that is an incredible hard questions!

    I take my 30th because I had a wonderful evening with my hubs and my family ad we had the best dinner ever!!!! Plus, I remember I was at the Doctor because I had a typewriter's cramp.... So I was sitting there and making fun with the doctor that now that I'm 30 I get old and he will see me more often.

    Happy Birthday!!! :)) And thanks sso so very much for this contest!

  109. Victoria says:

    Happy Birthday!

    My birthday is this Saturday the 14th :).

    My fondest memory is of my 14th birthday. It was the only time I ever had a party. It was great. My mother made me a Mississippi Mud Puddle pie - makes my mouth water just thinking of it.

    Thanks for the fantastic contest.

  110. My fondest birthday memory would have to be last years when I tripped my friend and she fell into my cake :D

  111. Vicki S says:

    Hmmm... My fondest would probably have to be 2 years ago when I was on a Greyhound bus coming back from Chicago. I know, not the most glamorous or comfortable situation, but it was coming back from a Harry Potter conference in which I had a ton of fun AND got to meet Tamora Pierce! I totally had a fangasm when we rode the same elevator and I was all trying to decide if it was really her or not. ^_^

  112. Vicki S says:

    Woah, woah, wait a minute, Victoria... MY birthday's the 14th... Are you my doppleganger?! O_O

  113. Dren says:

    Awesome contest!!

    My fondest memory was my 10th. My birthday is Dec 22 so I was a combo Christmas/Birthday Kid. All I wanted for my birthday was a pair of roller skates (no not in-line) lol but my parents pulled together the money and I had the best Birthday/Christmas combo ever. White shoes with Blue Wheeles and Pom Poms. They cost $98.00 which was a "grip" back in the day and that's all I got for Christmas. But I was a happy rollerskatin kid!

  114. Carmen R says:

    I can't think of any great birthday memory , now that's just sad

  115. Getting tickets to see Jason Mraz was one of the best things that ever happened to me on my birthday. Love him!!

  116. donnas says:

    Happy Birthday!!

    My favorite was while I was in college. Right after I moved into my first apartment by myself. I got my first kitten. I had wanted one for years. And he was the cutest, sweetest thing.

  117. Unknown says:

    Happy Birthday! My fondest birthday memory is having a swimming party with all my friends.

  118. R.E.B. says:

    Happy belated birthday! My 9th with a bunch of my friends and also my 20th, which was a surprise party planned by my roommate. :)

  119. Eden says:

    My first birthday with my friends was my 9th I think and I thought it was awesome. I got a bike and I had a birthday cake that looked exactly like a hamburger! t was really cool. As you can tell, I haven't had many great birthdays...

  120. My fondest. When I turned 55. My wonderful hubby gave me a new fancy engagement ring. Then we spent the day riding the motorcycle up to the mountains for a picnic lunch.

  121. s7anna says:

    My first birthday after my parents got divorced - it was so great to see my Mum smile and be worry-free.

  122. Sena says:

    My fondest birthday memory is when I got my first ice-cream birthday cake! It was yummy and no birthday cake has been better than that :)

  123. Fi-chan says:


    I forgot which year which age, but there was one birthday party, nearly all my classmates close friends were there. we played soooooooooooooo much! and we had sooo much fun :D

    thank you :D
    feeyonachan at gmail dot com

  124. Meredith says:

    My 30th birthday! My family and friends planned a surprise party for me. I'd never had one before, and it had been ages since we'd all be together in one place!

    Happy Birthday, Larissa!

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  125. Jessica says:


    Best memory would be a few years ago when I turned 24. We went to a few fun places and relaxed all day. Plus I had my little baby with me so I was thrilled to be turning a year older and share it with my daughter :)


  126. Let's pretend it's 08/11: Parabéns Larissa!;)

    My fondest birthday memory has to be from when I had the whole (and I mean the WHOLE) family with me, it was such a big, fun party, we could never manage that again, someone is always missing, but not that year, and omg the food...there was so much food..enough to nourish a small country. It was my 10 birthday btw;)

  127. Larissa help: I'm confused, I want to choose the pack with: The Duke and I by Julia Quinn, and To Taste Temptation by Elizabeth Hoyt, but I can't tell if it's prize pack #1 or #2 :s...

  128. Unknown says:


    Im sorry! I just fixed the numbers!!

    you want HR pack #1


  129. My fondest birthday memory is when I got my first bike without training wheels (I have no clue how old...maybe 5). My stepdad took me out in the court and taught me how to ride it. I fell the first time and skinned my knee, and I remember he gave me a pep talk to get me to try it again. I thought I was so cool when I got the hang of it :)

  130. Tanya1224 says:

    The B-day I remember most was the 2nd year of my marriage. Since my b-day is really close to Christmas my hubby went all out. He planned out the evening and lots of gifts. My first time getting a Cold Stone ice-cream cake too. It was the best =) He still does good b-day's for me but that one was over the top. It lasted all night but I won't go there =)

  131. Oh my gosh. I had several great birthdays but this is the oldest and I remember it the most.

    On my 6th birthday I received from my parents a small record player along with 3 records. My favorite was the mice singing about Cinderella (I can still sing that song) with the flip side the Fairy Godmother singing (Bipat Bopity Boo ?spel). It was a small yellow vinyl record and the other two were cardboard records (this was long time ago.lol) and one song was Mind Your Mommie. I still have the records but the record player gave it up yrs ago.

    One other was actually the day after my birthday when my daughter was born.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  132. In my elderly age, I have such a short memory when it comes to birthdays. This year wasn't so bad though. :) My husband took me out to dinner at a new sushi restaurant and I got everything on my birthday list.

  133. I had alot of great birthdays when I was a kid but one of my best was when my mom came for my birthday she toke a plain to see me I think it was my 25th. We spent the day together out to eat and shopping fun day!
    Great giveaway Thanks for the chance and Happy Birthday to you :)
    tishajean @charter.net

  134. Anonymous says:

    One of my favorite birthday memories was when my brother and I shared a birthday party and a lake and we had a huge cake and a lot of our friends and family were there. It was simple but it is one of my best memories period.

    Stephanie G

  135. Andrea I says:

    Mine was my 40th. I have a sister and two brothers. Between my sister, one of my brothers and my mother, I recived 40 birthday cards.
    I thought it was great.

    Hope you had a Happy Birthday!

  136. My fondest birthday memory is from college. School started the day after my birthday, and I thought I'd be away from my family. To my complete surprise, they all drove 4 hours to see me (even hiding out in the same hotel--I don't know how I didn't see them!) and spent the afternoon. It was great. :-)

  137. Christa says:

    Hope your birthday was amazing!

    My fondest birthday memory was one that I spent with my family. My son picked out neon green kitty slippers that are horrible to look at but I love them so much. He spent so much time picking them out for me and it reminded me of the sweetness of being a Mom.

  138. My fondest birthday memory was when I was about 12 and invited some of my closest friends over for a smashing party. It was fantastic! :)

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.
  140. This comment has been removed by the author.
  141. Darlyn says:

    Every year of my birthday have it's own memory which I never forget. With my family, best friends, colleagues, grandmom, teachers, my fiancee, and this year with my students. They are all a treasure for me.

    p/s: i forgot to include the blog post link in the form.


  142. Anne R. says:

    My fondest birthday memory was when my best friends slept over at my house and all we did was eat pizzas and bake mac and watch anime :3 it was the best birthday so far because it was also the first time my parents let me have my friends over at the house. And to think that two of them were guys... DX

  143. My fondest birthday memory was when I was 10 years old; I had a birthday party at MacDonald's and invited all my school friends over (including some that my mother forced me to invite) and we got our faces painted and played on the playground together. It brang us together in a bond which was quickly broken afterwards, but I did feel it.

    I was also fond of it because that was the last year that my parents were still together - and we as a family also celebrated it together happily. This, I will never forget.


  144. Stella says:

    My fondest birthday memory was when i turned 16, my parents made me a surprise bday party. i really had no idea! so many friends and family came, it was really sweet and special. i definitely wont forget it.

    thanks for the giveaway!


  145. Happy Birthday! My birthday is in just a few days. Yay! :)

    One of my favorite birthday memories is of being in Dublin and having the entire pub full of strangers wish me a happy birthday. Fun times! :)

    From the Shadows

  146. aurora M. says:

    Hope you had a great B Day!
    My fondest Birthday memory was...The only party I ever had because I was a Halloween baby it was a Halloween/birthday party where we bobbed for apples! and dressed in great costumes. I was a gypsy. and had a cake with a witch and cauldron on top. Thanks for a fantastic contest.

  147. Nastassia says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!

    My fondest birthday memory is when I was eleven and my family had a birthday party for me and my cousins , there were cake, ice-cream , a bounce - a - bout.

  148. Theresa says:

    My fondest birthday memory is when I was a little kid and my Mom threw me a big birthday party. My whole family came, including several of my cousins who I didn't get to see very often, but I loved to play with. We ran all over the place and caused lot of trouble!

  149. iokijo says:

    Don't know if I'd say fondest exactly but most memorable. I'd already been going to most of the bars here except one. They carded everyone, no exceptions. For my 21st birthday that's were I went. Great place, very crowded ok. My sisters hired a singing telegram to be delivered at the bar. A singing frog that stripped down to a prince.. lol I so wanted to hide.
    I'm glad your Bday was better : )

  150. Unknown says:

    Lora1967 said...
    My most memberable birthday was the year husband number 1 got a gremlin car. It was perple. I know your to young to know what a gremlin is. But it was a great birthday presant.


  151. my fondest birthday memory is actually from my sisters birthday. Mum used to make all of our cakes from the Women's Weekly cookbook. My sister asked for a number 7 just like in the book.
    around the sides of the cake were lifesavers cut in half.
    My fondest memory is of mum trying to cut life saver lollies perfectly in half and having bits and pieces of life saver lollies pinging their way aroung the kitchen over and over and over again.

  152. Happy belated birthday!

    I've never really had a good birthday, mostly because it's so close to Christmas. I did have a party at McDonald's as a kid though...

  153. BleuMoon says:

    My fondest Birthday memory is shaping up to be this year. (In 5 days) Happy August Birthdays! We Rock!

    I have 6 days off of work and we are planning a quiet time with a picnic on the beach, just the husband, our daughter and me - playing all day and enjoying each other. (of course I will have to make my own birthday cake) but it will be a great day!


  154. Glory says:

    My fondest memory...uhmmm...I dont know, sincerely i believe that i'm waiting for it yet. Lol

  155. When I had my first party. :)

  156. Mette says:

    Thank you for this giveaway:-)
    I hope you had a fantastic birthday.

    My best memory was when my friends and family trow me a suprise party, I had not seen it coming at all. Great day.

  157. Ruth says:

    My fondest birthday memory was the birthday my daughter was born. I knew she was due around the time of my birthday, but how ironic it was the night before my birthday when I went into true labor. I labored for about 6-8 hours, and early in the morning of my birthday--June 13--my wonderful daughter was born. Talk about a fantastic birthday present!!

  158. Happy birthday, Larissa!

    My best birthday was a few years ago. I can't remember the number (or maybe I can and I just don't want to say), but my mom flew in from the east coast and had dinner with my best friend and my boyfriend. The four of had a great dinner and they gave me tickets to the see Little Shop of Horrors, the play! I was so excited, and they even got a ticket for my dad too! All my loved ones together and the seats and show were fantastic. That B-day has yet to be topped :)

  159. Teril says:

    My fondest birthday memory was this past year when we picked up our step kids and spent three whole days in the beach. We live in Oregon and it is cold by my birthday and wow, that beach if nice! It was a very nice surprise form my man. That and they have some amazing coffee shops and local book stores.

  160. Nathan says:

    Actually I have 3 fondest birthdays. When I was 21,22,23. All of them were a incredible day with my dear girlfriend, the love of my life ^^

  161. Cherry says:

    The fondest birthday I had was when I was in high school and me and a friend went to eat barbecue chicken in this barbecue house. We pigged out so much we couldn't walk upright after! :)

    Cherry Mischievous

  162. VampAngel says:

    My fondest is probably from this year. My best friends threw me a surprise party and I've always wanted one. it only took 31 years, LOL! I was really surprise, I had no idea they were doing it.

    Thanks for the giveaway honey, you are amazing!


    Barbara, aka VampAngel

  163. Sharli says:

    Congrats on the followers and your birthday!!
    My fondest bday memory would be this one time when I had all my best friends come to my house for a sleep over :P We had tons of fun watching chick flicks, singing corny songs and just talking :D

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!! ^^

  164. Anonymous says:

    I think it was my 6-year-old birthday party. It's the only one I've ever had!

  165. Aik says:

    On my 15th birthday, my parents took us out for a wonderful dinner. I'd say that was my fondest birthday memory.

  166. Aik says:

    I blogged here:

  167. jess says:

    on my 5th birthday, my uncle (who is only 3 years older than me) was being whiny so he got to hit the pinata before me. he started swinging at the pinata blinfolded, he was just going round and round in circles, and he ended up dizzy and falling face first in the dirt. i thought that was the funniest thing ever. i ♥ karma :)

  168. Kiwi says:

    My fondest birthday memory....for my "sweet" 16 my bf took me to see BoyzIIMen and BabyFace in concert. Tech difficulties made concert last til after 2 am. We had an "awwwww" moment in the back of the car on the hour ride home.

  169. my fondest bday was just a few years back and my bestie was throwing me a surprise party but of course I knew but it was so sweet of her


  170. My fondest birthday memory would have to be any the last time all my family was together in once place for my birthday. I haven't seen my closest family i.e. Mum, Dad, Sisters & their other halves & children & my boyfriend. This year my boyfriend was working night shift for my birthday and my parents live in Spain. So it's hard to get everyone together, I think my 18th was the last time we were altogether so that's my best one yet =)

    As for my most memorable birthday (I know you didn't ask but thought it might make you laugh) was my 5th birthday part, I had a bouncy castle in my back garden and we were all bouncing about. I decided I wanted to come off the bouncy castle so I slowed down and jumped onto the little bit you jump down to get off but I didn't stop bouncing, I went flying face first into a fence. So yeah that was my most memorable one from my youngers years. Hope it put a smile on your face and I hope your birthday was a brilliant one =)


  171. Madalena says:

    I guess my fondest memory is probably when I turned fourteen. I remember everyone said 'Happy Birthday' to me at school, even people I didn't knew. And the same happened in the street. I still don't know how those people knew about my birthday.

    And I got my first pair of Dr Martens.

  172. Last year my family threw me a New Moon party for my 32 bday! My 4 year old niece took a picture with me holding the Edward plate and her holding the Jacob plate. It was too funny!

  173. Anonymous says:

    Happy birthday. I can't really think of any fond birthday memories. My parents and grandmother used to always make sure I had a birthday cake and some gifts. My family was poor. Tore923@aol.com

  174. Lis says:

    I just loved this contest, congrats! *-*
    Well, my fondest birthday memory is of my sweet fifteen party hehe (yeap, I'm Brazilian XD so we celebrate when we're 15). It was really special, 'cause I got a BIG party and also a perfect doll of Belle (from The Beauty and the Beast) that I had asked as a gift *--*

  175. D Q says:

    My fondest birthday memory was when I was thirty. I mentioned to my son a few years before that when I was a little girl I always wanted a barbie doll but we couldn't afford it. He surprised me on my birthday with a very special gift--a Barbie.

    Hope you had a great birthday!


  176. Oi!! Que ótimo achar outra brasileira que bloga em inglês!! (para manter a brincadeira vou responder em inglês :P)

    Happy Birthday!!
    I don't think I have a fondest birthday memory, but out of the parties I had when I was young, I remember one when I was like 6 and I had a "moranguinho" themed one.. It was my favorite tv show.. hehe


  177. Riv Re says:

    Congratulations! Happy birthday!
    Fondest memory...
    Either my sister making me a min-wedding cake (you know, several different-sized cakes stacked one on top of the other) or my 12th (and only) birthday party.

  178. Happy birthday to you!!

    My fondest birthday was my 30th. That day my husband proposed to me on one knee! Of course my answer was yes!

  179. Dovile says:

    My fondest birthday memory was my 6th birthday, when I had a lot of fun with my friends. I never has a more fun birthday party as then.

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  180. Amber says:

    My fondest memory is when my little sister threw a little surprise party for me. she used her money and bought me cupcakes and a iniata and invited my best friend over. It was super cute and sweet.


  181. Birthdays always had more meaning to me when I was a kid. I remember being in school and I was always the center of attention on my birthday. The kids sang happy birthday to me in class. And of course, the boys used to chase me around the school yard to give me spankings!

    simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

  182. jc says:

    Happy Belated Birthday, hope your special day was truly blessed with beautiful memories.

    My fondest memory is when my young daughter asked me to pay the florist for the flowers she bought me on my birthday. It left me speechless but I was absolutely melting inside by this innocent and sweet little gesture of love.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway.


  183. Sarah says:

    Belated happy birthday wishes Larissa - I hope you had a wonderful day & that this year brings you everything you could wish for :o) Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveaway!

    My favorite birthday memory would probably be on my 21st birthday when I did a bungee jump to raise money for charity. I'd always wanted to do one so it seemed like a sign when I saw one arranged on my birthday. In the end I spent most of my birthday so nervous that I couldn't even eat (what no birthday cake?!!!!!). The jump was by far the scariest thing I've ever done & I have to confess I'll never do another one but I'm glad I gave it a try :o)

  184. Well, that is a tough one. I think I'll pick my birthday last year since my hubby surprised me by having my parents watch the kids and he took me to Kings Dominion for the day. That was the first day we really had entirely to ourselves since the kids came along. It was really nice. My birthday is Friday, so I asked to go to a theme park again just ourselves, so on Sunday we go. I can't wait!

  185. steph says:

    Every birthday I have had with my husband has been great for 28 years. But, he always makes a special day. Turning 40 in first class on the way to Hawaii was great.

    Happy belated birthday. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust

  186. Lena1xoxo says:

    My fondest birthday memory. Hmm, that's a toughy. It's probably my 21st birthday, spending time with all of my oldest friends in College Station. So much fun. *sigh* Ahh, memories.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  187. Marq says:

    My fondest birthday memory is going to Vegas for my 30th. I was having a hard time accepting the fact that I was leaving my 20s behind. All I did was moan and groan about becoming 30. I felt like it was a death sentence. So to cheer me up (or shut me up) my husband booked a trip to Vegas. It our first time going there. We went with friends of ours and had a great time. Little did we know that trying to get back home would be a chore in itself. My birthday is in February. I live near D.C. We never get big snows. Maybe once a decade. Well wouldn't you know that would be the time we get 18 inches of snow. We ended being stranded in Louisville, KY for two days because the airports were closed in DC. It was the best birthday ever!

  188. Such an awesome giveaway, goodness!

    My fondest birthday memory is when I was able to go with my Dad on a road trip up along the east coast. It was SO much fun!

  189. Danielle says:

    My fondest birthday memory would have to be my 21 birthday. All my friends and I rented a limo and went out to all the clubs that I hadn't been able to get into because they were 21 and up. And of course all the drinking. I'm not going to lie and say that was my first time drinking but first time legally. :)

  190. Happy Birthday!

    My fondest birthday memories are the parties my parents used to throw for me. We had a big garden, so we could play lots of outdoor games - massive musical statues, hunt the string (hundreds of bits of string everywhere) and so on. Plus my mum made awesome cakes!

  191. Queen_Larissa says:

    My fondest birthday memory was my 13th birthday - my mum threw me a surprise birthday party. She filled our entire house with helium balloons, invited all of my friends over and all without me knowing! That was also the last birthday I spent with my grandfather before he died, so that made it even better.

  192. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday :)
    My fondest birthday memory would be my 39th birthday. My hubby surprised me last year with a Weber Grill. I have been wishing and a hoping for one of these grills for pretty much my entire life. It is the biggest one they make in square cookage and to my surprise he was able to not only get it ordered without me knowing but also getting it home without me seeing it and was able to really surprise me with it. This from him was a Huge thing :)

  193. The best birthday ever would be my 29th. That's because my 4 year old daughter and I spent the day and night together and she did all the things that the "mommies" are supposed to do for their children. It was the most special day of my life!

  194. The best birthday ever would be my 29th. That's because my 4 year old daughter and I spent the day and night together and she did all the things that the "mommies" are supposed to do for their children. It was the most special day of my life!

  195. I have linked your contest to my blog!! Thanks again!!


  196. I have posted your b-day button on my blog! Happy birthday to you darling!! :)


  197. I have posted your contest on my facebook page. :)



  198. My fondest Birthday memory is when my mom and my aunt baked for 3 days and made all sorts of sweets but my B-Day party. Everything was absolutely delicious (I have a very big sweet tooth LOL)!

  199. My fondest birthday memory is my 20th birthday, the first birthday I spent with my now husband. Parents were away and had friends over then out to the bars (legal age in Ontario is 19). Great night, and my brother was stabbed with a fork. Luckily it hit his belt. :)

  200. My fondest bday memory was probably last yr. My 22nd bday was 80s themed and i was pleasantly surprised when every one showed up. i half expected some people to be lame and not dress up but every one did. chunky jewelry, big hair, lots of hairspray, puffy sleeves, fingerless gloves, zubaz, and we jammed to 80s music all night. it was the best!!

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